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Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis Treatment Hospital in Vizag

Arthritis is characterized by swelling and discomfort in one or more joints. It causes joint pain and stiffness, which often increase with age. There are several forms of arthritis, like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In Osteoarthritis, there is a breakdown of cartilage, which is the firm, slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they meet to create a joint. Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition in which the immune system assaults the joints, starting with the joint lining. Treatment options at an Arthritis Treatment Hospital in Vizag differ based on the kind of arthritis. The primary aims of arthritis therapy are to alleviate symptoms and enhance the quality of life.



Depending on the kind of arthritis, the following signs and symptoms may occur:

  • Pain/ joint stiffness

  • Swelling/ redness

  • Reduced range of motion


The two primary kinds of arthritis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, have various causes and lead to distinct sorts of joint damage.

  • Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, is caused by wear and tear on a joint's cartilage — the hard, slippery covering on the ends of bones where they form a joint. Cartilage cushions the ends of the bones and allows for practically frictionless joint mobility; nevertheless, significant damage can result in bone grinding directly against bone, causing discomfort and limited movement. Wear and strain can develop over time and can be accelerated by a joint injury or illness. Osteoarthritis also affects the bones and the connective tissues that link muscle to bone and hold the joint together. If a joint's cartilage is significantly injured, the joint lining may become inflamed and swollen.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis: The immune system of the body targets the lining of the joint capsule, a thick membrane that encloses all joint elements, in rheumatoid arthritis. The illness process can eventually damage joint cartilage and bone.

Risk Factors:

Arthritis risk factors include:


  • Family history: Because some kinds of arthritis run in families, you may be more prone to get the illness if your parents or siblings have it.

  • Age: Many kinds of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout, become more common as people get older.

  • Gender:  Women are more likely to acquire rheumatoid arthritis, but men are more likely than women to suffer from gout, another kind of arthritis.

  • Previous joint damage: People who have damaged a joint, maybe while playing sports, are more prone to develop arthritis in that joint later in life.

  • Obesity: Carrying extra pounds puts strain on your joints, especially your knees, hips, and spine. 


arthritis at wrist

Complications of arthritis

Weight-bearing joint arthritis can make it difficult to walk or sit up straight. Joints may progressively lose alignment and form in rare circumstances. Our patients tell us that the richness of their conversations, our meticulous attention to detail, and the quickness of their appointments provide them with health care, unlike anything they've ever had before.

arthritis at knee
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